Ilke & Zsolt and the Master of Ceremonies


Sevgili Master of Ceremonies,  Ákos,


Onca telas arasinda sana tesekkür etme imkanimiz olmadi, cikardigin mükemmel is icin sana sonsuz tesekkürlerimizi iletmek istiyoruz. Sadece profesyonelligin degil, insanligin ve cana yakinligin'da hepimizi o stres dolu günde rahatlatti, biraz olsa bile heyecanimizi tatli heyecana cevirdi. Sadece bizler degil, ailelerimiz, arkadaslarimiz, özellikle türk misafirlerimiz de seni övüp övüp durdular. 
Seninle ilk bulustugumuzdan sonra ikimiz de seni istedigimizde hemfikirdik, ve ayni sekilde bu duygu hic degismedi.

Tekrar tekrar cok tesekkür ederiz:

Sevgiler : Ilke&Zsolt


Dear Master of Ceremonies,  Ákos,

Not had the opportunity to thank the fantastic job done by our wedding, we would like to thank you very, very much midst of our rushing!
Not only professionalism, but the kindness, the humanity also impressed not only us, our parents, our friends, and the especially for our Turkish guests, because Turkey is not customary at weddings CM call. If droopy mood, but you were there to energize and it happened as we talked about everything, we did not have anything stress, not to worry.

Already in the first meeting we were sure that we want if you're the master of ceremonies, and how well we decided now not deciding otherwise!

Let a million times thank you very much


You can read more english language feedbacks : or hungarian:


You can read more english language feedbacks: MC's feedbacks  hungarian:  ceremóniamester visszajelzések  

In fact the couples are indicated for the sake of credibility (since I read about so many fake references have been elsewhere) on the sites of Ceremóniamester -ed facebook1 és CM2 , and even more so you can write a message for them ;)

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Ceremóniamester Szablya Ákos | Ilke & Zsolt and the Master of Ceremonies
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